I am not a big women's basketball fan...big surprise there, I'm sure. But, I thought I'd give it a shot when #3 Maryland hosted #2 North Carolina. I am still not a women's basketball fan. Everyone has always defended the women's game by saying things like "fundamentals" or "team sport" or "the way basketball should be played." I completely disagree. From the 20 minutes or so I watched of the game, I would say the game is far worse fundamentally compared to the men's game. Bad passes, by dribbling, bad shots -- even bad free throw shooting -- it was all there.
But the main reason the women's game is worse is the way the players struggle. It looks very awkward when many of these players shoot...like they can't put enough strength behind the ball. The shooting from looks completely unnatural...there is just no flow to the shot by most of the players. Just looks plain ugly.

The other thing that bugged me was the coaches. Maryland's coach, Brenda Frese, who has always scared me, went off at one point in the game and was given a technical foul. She was screeching like Hilary Clinton on the court...it was quite a fit. On the other side was North Carolina coach Sylvia Hatchell looks like she should be hosting a knitting show, not coaching a basketball team. It was disturbing to watch her yelling out plays or reprimanding the players. I know, that's probably not fair but it just really bugged me. But, mostly, Brenda Frese scares me.
Anyway, the game ended up pretty close at the end. North Carolina pulled out the win but I can't say I enjoyed watching the game. It was an ugly, ugly game between two of the best women's teams...and if that's the best the game has to offer, I'll pass. Besides, Brenda Frese is one scary lady.
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