Wednesday, December 07, 2005

You Know What?

You know what I love? I love receiving spam messages in my AOL Instant Messenger. I like leaving my away message on and coming back and having like 372 messages that I need to wade through...just to find out that none of them are from ligitimate people. Now, I could set it up to where only people on my buddy list could IM me...but, then I'm excluding potential future friends who happen to find me but I don't know them. That's not a solution...

What else do I love today? Cold weather. Snow. Long work hours. Houston Nutt who failed to vote for West Virginia in the final coaches poll. Pittsburgh not making the playoffs. Christmas shopping. Al-Zawahri telling terrorists to strike oil plants. Holiday Trees instead of Christmas Trees. Toxic spills in China and pollution in Tehran. And Dan Murtha...I love him.

Anyway, my site for you all to visit today: Deadspin - Sports without discretion. I particularly like their coverage of Dennis Rodman's every move. Oh, and of Michael Irvin. How can ESPN not fire this guy? He's already been caught with drugs once...I mean, does anyone believe the paraphenalia that was found wasn't his? It was...he's a Dallas Cowboy.

Anyway, that's it for this morning...more later...or not.

1 comment: said...

Mike - nice blog. I was looking for Fantasy Football Draft sites, but I am glad I found your this post blog, because it is quite entertaining! I will come back and check it out! Off to find more Fantasy Football Draft blogs/sites... see ya and thanks!