Friday, December 08, 2006

Knew it all along

There was never any doubt. Why would anyone ever leave WVU? Come on folks...did you fall for that? Rich Rod played you like a fiddle. He said he planned to stay here for the rest of his that not enough? We're going to have Coach Rod for a long, long time...or at least through the weekend.

Anyway, what does this do to WVU and recruiting? Some people say it helped because it got the coach and program national exposure. I plants seeds of doubt that Rod is committed to the program long term and shows a weakness in the program to be able to retain coaches for long periods. My first thought is that Coach Rod will probably leave next year or the year after...there's no way he will be here 4-5 years. He might be...but I don't know if I believe is a recruit supposed to believe that?

But, the biggest disappointment of this whole thing for Mountaineer fans is that I won't be the head coach next year. I know you all wanted to see me on the sidelines but, alas, I will remain at my desk and plan for my takeover next year. Give it time. The best part: we screwed awesome.

Lastly, thanks to everyone who kept up on the story and fed information...especially:
Mr. Davis from
and Mr. Moran from locations unknown

and I'm sure there were was a lot of fun. Let's do it again after basketball season.

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