Thursday, December 14, 2006

Barack Obama and Iran

First up, Barack Hussein Obama...the Democrat who is supposed to give Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham Rodham a run for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2008. I'll be honest...I don't know a whole lot about the guy and I don't plan to know much about him before next year. What I do know is that the primaries are over a year away and I don't see any possible way someone with so little political clout can maintain momentum over such a long period of time. People will be completely burnt out on this guy in 3 months...I just don't know about a sustained Obama attack for the next year.

On the same topic, there is audio of Obama asking Maureen Dowd not to make fun of his ears. Here's the exchange:

OBAMA (off mic): You talked about my ears, and I just want to put you on notice: I'm very sensitive about -- What I told them was, ''I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears.'"
DOWD (purring): We're trying to toughen you up.

Folks, can you imagine some politicians asking the same of reporters? I'm not saying any politician should have their looks made fun of...but if some politicians made a similar request, it would be all over the place and it would show how weak they were. "How will he handle the criticism of the country if he can't handle having X made fun of?" would be all over the news. Once again, I don't think anyone should make fun of Obama's ears...but for Maureen Dowd to give the "we're just trying to toughen you up" response it ridiculous.

Second, how about those Iranians? Holocaust conference...and we wonder why we can't negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And why are people shocked he would hold such a conference? He has been denying the Holocaust for at least 2 years and has been threatening to whipe Israel off the map for the same amount of time. Why are people suddenly shocked by his denial of the Holocaust? Because he invited in other people who shared his belief? So what?

This man is a nut...plain and simple. And we want to include him in the decision making in Iraq? I just don't see where this path is leading. Are we hold out some hope that Ahmadinejad will suddenly become friendly to the West? It's not going to happen folks. This man is set on the destruction of Israel and the establishment of a worldwide Islamic movement. Nothing else will do. I don't know how much longer it's going to take before people wake up and realize you cannot negotiate with those who seek to destroy you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Obama went to Clinton country and hob-nobbed with all of her supporters. Pretty funny.

I'd love to see him run, just because it's such a change of pace. Although seeing a first-man Bubba would please me, I'm tired of only two last names defining the American political landscape for the past 17 years.