Monday, October 24, 2005

Oh, Flu, Why Hath Thou Forsaken Me?

Now, I'm not 100% certain that I have the flu...might be a cold...might be a sinus issue or something. I can't say for certain. What I can say is that I woke up this morning feeling pretty miserable. I thought it might just be the weather or something...give me time to wake up and it would go away. Nope. We're talking headache with congestion...that head is going to just explode into a million pieces because of the pressure congestion. So, I broke down and took some Tylenol flu medication to see what that does. I'm not a big fan of taking medication so it's obvious that I feel pretty crappy. (Can I say crap on here? Well, I'm going to. I feel like crap.)

Anyway, feeling as bad as I do, I still don't feel as bad as the Bengals do, or at least should, feel today. They got abused by the Steelers yesterday. Chad Johnson...haha. Chris Henry...hahaha. I mean, we're talking used here folks. The Bus was rolling...Big Ben was on track. And lil' Willie Parker was just zipping by the Bungle defenders like they didn't exist. Steelers are still the class of the AFC North. Chad Johnson said after the game that he still thought Cincy was better than the Steelers...I guess he lives in an alternate universe where his Bengals stood up to the Steel attack...but, in the real world, the Bengals still have some work to do.

And now, some short observations:
  • Looks like the White Sox might win the series being up 2-0. I'm happy with that...mainly because it punishes the "bleacher bum" Cub fans.
  • Who woke up the Washington Redskins? They put 52 up against the hapless 49ers.
  • Manning led a perfect game winning drive. And it was Eli Manning...miracles do occur.
  • If I were the PA operator for NFL teams that played against the Vikings, I would play the Love Boat theme during every break. Haha...Love Boat. You know, the Vikings really are in trouble despite their win over GB. And how in the world has Mike Tice not been fired yet?
  • Baseball is unhappy with the Moo Juice commercial that milk manufacturers made. "There is nothing humorous about steroid abuse," said Tim Brosnan, executive vice president for business for baseball. Really? They're probably right but they sure managed to not pay attention to it for long enough. It's a joke...get over it. Just like baseball was a joke for the juicing years.
  • The New Orleans Saints are allegedly moving to another city next year. I would just chalk it up to another move to help New Orleans become a better city after the hurricane.
  • And lastly, ND and USC won again. There is not justice in NCAA football.

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