Saturday, October 22, 2005

Just so close...

East Fairmont was thisclose to securing its first playoff spot in 29 years at Buckhannon-Upshur on Friday night. And I was thisclose to going to the game...I was coming back from Charleston and was passing the stadium but it was raining and I heard the score was 17-0 B-U and decided I just wanted to go home instead of get sick...but I digress.

East Fairmont football has overgone 29 years of futility missing the state playoffs. Let's look at the numbers real quick: There are 36 AAA schools in the state of West Virginia. There are 16 playoff spots. That means that 44% of all WVa AAA schools go to the playoffs every year. And East Fairmont hasn't been there in 29 years. You would think that we would luck into a playoff spot eventually. Now, I know what you're saying...or might be saying...there used to be more than 36 schools. That's true...but still, 29 years is a long time. Once of the most unique things in those 29 years is the fact East Fairmont won the NCAC in 1990 and still didn't go to the playoffs...that's kinda weird. And, in case you're wondering, the 1976 team played Dupont in the first round of the playoffs and were promptly eliminated.

Why can't East Fairmont football be successful? Is it a culture of losing? Poor coaching (like L.D.)? We have some talent...I mean, two breaks and we could be 7-2 and a lock for the playoffs. Instead, we lose to University by 1 when we led by as much as 3 touchdowns at one point...and we lose to B-U in a heartbreaker. And, we lost to North Marion which we are clearly better than this year. I've seen other sports at East be successful...make playoffs and compete for championships...why not football?

I keep hearing wait until next year...the freshman team is good. The 8th grade team is good. Blah, blah, blah. I've heard that for a long time year. I haven't given up on this year yet...if we beat West Side and get a few breaks, a 6-4 record might get us in...but it's going to be close. But, if we don't get in, it's not due to lack of opportunities. But, I guess I can wait til next year. Or the year after that. Or maybe the one after that.

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