Thursday, September 01, 2005

Posting for Thursday

Alright, let's get this out of the way now...yes, Nick, I was incorrect on my gas estimates. Yes, it went higher than I expected. But, that's life. People are going to have to learn how to's a pain but that's the way it goes. Either you're going to pay $3.00+ for gas or you're going to come up with some alternative way to get around. Carpool, public transportation...put on your walking shoes...something.

Anyway, it's been busy here at Steptoe & Johnson. On Monday we lost one of our attorneys from the Morgantown office in an unfortunate car accident near Wheeling so everyone has been pretty distraught about that. I've been busy trying to prepare for a couple trials that have a lot of video in, it's been pretty hectic and I haven't been feeling all that great, so, that's a bummer. I've spent every evening playing Tiger Woods...that's not good.

But, on the good side, everyone is trying to hurry and get their work done today so they can take tomorrow off. Why? Because of the Italian Heritage Festival. Yes, the annual Clarksburg tradition begins tomorrow. I will give some coverage on it happens right outside my window here. After about the 3rd "O Sola Mio", I begin to lose it. The music is loud and the streets are crowded. Drives me absolutely crazy. Should be a good time...

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