Thursday, September 29, 2005

Frank Beamer, a goiter and ESPN

First, Thursday night ESPN had Frank Beamer and his goiter on as guests during the Pontiac Halftime Report. Frank went over how they lost to WVU a couple years ago and how tough it was to play at WVU. He talked about what a shame it was to lose such a good he and Ed Pastilong were buddies. Whatever. Virginia Tech decided to end the rivalry. He said he didn't have anything to do with scheduling. What bull! If he wanted to schedule WVU, he could. Then his goiter said that maybe we can get it scheduled some time in the future...but Frank said he wasn't sure. He and his goiter fought for a minute and decided they didn't make the schedules. It was a very odd moment indeed. The fact is that VTech dropped us because they don't want to risk the loss every year. End of story.

So, they get done with Frankie and Rece Davis talks about how tough it is to play at Mountaineer Field. They do a quick story about the fire department in Morgantown making everyone remove their couches from their porches in case WVU would pull the upset. Talk about the fires a couple years back. Then Mark May decides to talk about when he played PITT nonetheles, and says the coach always told him to keep his helmet on because Mountaineer fans like to throw things on the field like frozen food, fruit, batteries and pennies. They throw pennies because they can't afford nickles.

Honestly, that is what he said. The other guy tried to save him but he didn't take it back. They throw pennies because they can't afford nickles. And people wonder why I'm sick of ESPN. They invite Frank and the goiter on and kiss their about how great the ACC is and how great USC is. I'm sick of's the same thing over and over again. Notre Dame lost but they're still kissing Weiss' butt as much as possible because they just love the Patriots and that's where he came from. Oh well, hopefully the Mountaineers can win Saturday and make them eat some crow. Let's beat saw castrated turkeys...errr, Hokies.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Sweet...what a message. Not a bot or anything I'm sure. I think I'm moving to Canada, eh!