Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bette Midler

Hear Bette Midler Tuesday night? What a class act she is. In case you missed it, here's some excerpts from her rousing fundraiser at Madison Square Garden:

MIDLER: A terrible thing happened to me. Today I got a letter from the Republican Party thanking me (boos) thanking me, thanking me for supporting this administration's policies. I did what any self-respecting American of integrity and class would do, I wrote "Go [bleep] yourself!" (wild cheering) I sent it back! Postage due! I would never actually pick on George Bush, because, you know, he's a big fan of mine. He came to see me in the seventies, came to a show of mine in the seventies. A coke dealer of his, uh, got him some tickets, and... (cheers) Tonight we are here to be together, to help rebuild the Gulf coast, to help -- help rebuild the soul of America, the soul of America, New Orleans, New Orleans. We have to find a way to start listening to each other, to nature, and to the rest of the world, because who wants to live with so much danger.

Amazing. It's amazing that only the left talk this way. Whoopie, Midler, Kanye...those are the typical left. Hatred. Mean-spirited. That is the left. And these are the people directing the democratic party. You would never hear a conservative talk this way. Sure, we take our digs at the left but it never goes this far. The right is the party of hope and optimism. It's the left that wants to see failure and revels in it.

The left is disappointed by the lack of deaths in New Orleans. The left is disappointed by how quickly New Orleans is being repaired. The left is disappointed by elections in Iraq. The left is disappointed by elections in Afghanistan. The left is disappointed that we haven't been attacked by terrorists again. The left is disappointed that gas prices aren't $5.00. The left is disappointed that Americans are doing as well as they are despite their best attempts to make us all as miserable as they are.

It's the right that is optimistic...that looks ahead and sees light. It's always the right that sees the brighter side of the future...always. Where the left always see doom and gloom, the right can see ways to fix it. Find me a liberal who has an idea for won't. They only want to destroy others...not make life better.

People, wake up. The Republican party is the only party that has a vision for America. The right is the only side that sees brighter days ahead. I see good days ahead...and that's why I'm not a liberal.

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