Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Driving Survival

What is wrong with drivers today? I mean, seriously folks. The past few days I have been driving around Fairmont, it was like avoiding the landmines walking through the demilitarized zone in Vietnam. There were potential accidents all over the road. And bad driving apparently doesn't discriminate based on age, sex or race.

First: When pulling out of a driveway or parking lot or whatever, why do people pull like halfway in the road before stopping? I mean, I can't tell you how many bumpers I nearly took off because people like to pull out so far. You should stop you vehicle BEFORE pulling out in the road. Not afterwards...idiots.

Second: Maybe I'm wrong but I had always thought that if you were going to make a right turn at a red light, you were supposed to make sure there wasn't traffic coming that was about to plow you over. I'm not talking once or twice, but several times over the course of my driving this past weekend. I mean, if I'm heading down a hill towards the green light, the last thing I want to do is slam on my brakes because some moron pulls out in front of me going 13 MPH. If you're going to pull out in front of me, at least have the courtesy to go the speed limit.

Third: Back to the speed limit...why go 10 MPH below the speed limit on a 25 MPH road? Do you really think I want to go down Morgantown Avenue at a cruising speed of 15? I don't...and I don't appreciate it. And the fact you have to cut out in front of me to do so just makes me that much more aggravated by it.

And don't even get me started on interstate driving. I just don't know what's wrong with these people. Maybe the DMV isn't testing people any more or something. I don't see how they got their licenses. Maybe it's time to require driving lessons before people get their licenses like they do in Germany. I'm not claiming I'm the best driver in the world...but, after what I've witnessed here lately, I'd say I'm in the top 10.

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