Sunday, July 10, 2005

Annoying Commerical of the Week

My annoying commerical this week is....drum roll please.....

The AOL Identity Theft "Do I Smell Cake?" Commercial

America OnLine spends alot of time touting the work they have done to prevent identity theft and spyware. What they don't tell you is that their idea of fighting spyware on your PC is to install a bunch of anti-spyware programs that constantly run and probably take up more CPU utilization and bandwidth than the spyware they claim to remove. But, hey, that's the technical side of the commercial. I'd rather focus on what is wrong with the commercial.

Here's a quick run down of what happens in the commercial in case you haven't seen it: A woman shows up at AOL headquarters with a cake to thank AOL for helping prevent identity theft. The guy at the reception desk thanks her but says a lot of people work to get rid of spyware. At this point, everyone stands up behind their cubicle walls and to see the apple crumb cake the woman bought. And one worker slides her chair out from her cubicle and utters the famous line "Do I smell cake?"

So, what is wrong with this commercial:

No. 1 - Do you really believe that anyone is going to walk into AOL and see anyone besides a security guard? Yeah, right...

No. 2 - This woman made one cake for AOL. Does she think AOL is a person? Seriously...she has to know this is a major corporation and thousands of employees yet she brings one little cake and is surprised to see all the people in the office. She is clearly a nutcase and she should have been stopped by security...which takes me back to No. 1.

No. 3 - The "Do I smell cake?" lady makes me laugh. And, since I don't like the commercial, that makes me mad. For those of you who’ve never known the joy and hilarity of working in an office, it might not mean much to you. But people who work in offices are vultures. And when there is food around, they're going after it. So, someone yelling down a hall "Do I smell cake?" is very likely to happen and it's funny to see. And, because it's funny, I laugh and since I don't like the commercial, I feel ashamed because I laughed. And that makes me not like the commercial even more. Make sense? Good.

Anyway, I wouldn't call it the worst commercial ever...but because I see it like 30 times a week, it gets annoying so it gets the shame of "Annoying Commercial of the Week".

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