Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Learning Environments Are Important

When discussing whether or not Marion County needs new schools I hear a common phrase against the large bond: School buildings don't teach students, good teachers teach students.

Obviously, I can't argue against that observation. If I put a child in the best school in the world but give them an educator who can't teach, that student will learn nothing. But I could also argue the other way: If I put a student in a room with a great teacher but that student never feels comfortable, the student won't learn. Children are easily distracted and improper learning environments detract from the educational experience.

Room temperature, comfort of seating, background noise and visual distractions all detract from the learning experience. Put yourself in a classroom. If it is sweltering hot, you tire and can't concentrate on what is being said. If it is freezing cold, you feel uncomfortable and can't concentrate. If there is noise coming from outside, your mind wanders to what may be occuring just out of sight. And if it is in sight, forget about it.

I can't speak for Monongah and Mannington, but I know for a fact that heating and cooling is a major issue at East Fairmont Junior High School and East Park. East Park has window air conditioners to try to keep classroom cools. Loud and ineffective...not to mention an eyesore. Even the new East Fairmont High School has heating and cooling issues...but I am sure they pale in comparison to those at EFJHS and EP.

I'll warn you now, this will probably be a repetitive issue for me to write about. I have several more reasons why students need better schools and I will address them later.

Oh, and I want to applaud the Times-West Virginian for making it through an entire press-run without talking about gas prices today. That was amazing to me. Of course, after writing an editorial on Sunday endorsing consolidation of East Fairmont and Fairmont Senior, they're going to need many more days of gasless paper to appease me. If I didn't hate the local television news so much, I would cancel my subscription.

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