Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Environmentalism has become a Religion

A hotel in California recently decided to replace the Bible with Al Gore's book "An Inconvenient Truth." This really doesn't surprise me and I expect to see more privately owned hotels jump on that bandwagon. Environmentalism in this country has gone from a movement to a religion for many people. Look at contains all the essential elements of religion:

Eden: The world was pure before Man and before knowledge. As Man learned he could reap benefits from the Earth, he was cast from Paradise and into a world of pollution and sin.

Sin: We are all sinners by using the resources we have gained from knowledge. We must repent by eating organic foods and drinking pesticide-free waters. We must walk instead of drive and we must punish those who choose to harm the environment.

Judgment Day: Any day now. The environmentalists insist that our Judgment Day is coming and the only way we will survive it is to atone for our sins.

Prophets, believers, etc.: Al Gore. And the enabler scientists and media that supports him and the rest of his religion.

Environmentalists claim to have "consensus science" supporting their beliefs. They completely discount scientists who have history on their side that prove weather patterns do change (sound like Catholics and Galileo?). They ignore the fact that recently scientists have said that Mars is heating (last I checked, no humans to ruin Mars environment). The ridicule anyone who has a difference in opinion and devoutly believe in their environmentalism.

Listen, I like clean air and I like a clean environment to enjoy. I do support oversight that forces companies to be accountable for their impact on the environment (within reason). But, along the same lines, I do not believe Al Gore or John Travolta or any other blowhard has the right to tell anyone how to live their lives (especially considering the hypocrisy this people show). Also, I do not believe we have to make wholesale changes that has a detrimental effect on the masses.

I think it's sad that we have reached a point where so many people devoutly believe in environmentalism and worship the false idols who preach it. How surprised will they be when they learn that salvation does not come from Al Gore?


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I understand the Galileo reference. You are likening Galileo to non-believers of human climate change? I would argue it's the other way around.

You can do better than the Mars argument (last time I checked, Mars is not 2/3 water, has no atmosphere, has a different revolution around the sun, fathered a child out of wedlock, etc).

Ridicule anyone who has a difference of opinion? Good sir, don't make me sit you down in front of Fox News for an hour and watch pundits make a mockery of enviornmentalists and their cause. Come on now.

Personally, I feel there is a happy medium between using one square of toilet paper versus discounting very strong evidence that global warming is real. That's why I drive a fuel efficient car, recycle, and make an effort to buy things that don't screw up the enviornment. Nothing extreme. I think if we got most of the world onboard with just some simple changes like that, we'd make the earth much happier.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. I suck at the Blogger. That was me, Davis, as if you wouldn't have guessed.