Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wait a Minute...

It's funny to me how people like Scoop Jackson at ESPN continue to defend Bonds despite the overwhelming evidence that is mounting against him. (Yeah, I positive tests but, then again, I haven't seen any positive tests for McGwire or Sosa but that doesn't stop the mudding of their names). People like Scoop want to blame McGwire because Bonds was jealous...or blame Sosa because of the press he was getting. Or, blame Major League Baseball because they didn't have rules against performance enhancing druges.

WAIT A MINUTE...last I checked, steroids were illegal. The fact baseball didn't have a "rule" against them doesn't make them legal. It is against federal law to possess, sale or use steroids without a doctor's approval. No ifs, ands or buts. MLB doesn't have the power to usurp the federal law. Neither does Bonds. Bonds was breaking a federal law every time he used "the cream" or "the clear" or injected whatever in his posterior.

Why is it that McGwire has been thrown under the bus while Bonds has been given a pass? There is less evidence against McGwire than there is against Bonds. Yes, Mark's testimony at the Congressional hearing was atrocious. But, he never said he used steroids and no one, to date, has proved that he did. Ditto with Bonds. But it appears the facts are lining up against Bonds more and more everyday.

If he is guilty, Bonds should be forced from baseball. And, yes, his records should be removed. I don't care if baseball had a rule against steroids or doesn't have a rule against murder or rape or a lot of other common sense things but if you break those laws, you are out of baseball. People who commit those crimes might not have records erased but what Bonds did cheated the records and cheated the fans. Bonds needs to

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