Friday, January 13, 2006


Without putting a lot of thought into it, I won a radio contest this morning by knowing who Mother Teresa was. The contest is basically that if the team you pick makes it to the Super Bowl, you get to go someplace to have a Super Bowl party with 7 people of your choice...I can't remember where but it sounded nice. Being an idiot, I picked the most likely team...the Colts. But, if the Colts really do make it to the Super Bowl, do I really want to watch it? I mean, I don't care that much. I knew the answer, so I called in...but I probably shouldn't have. Now I'm not sure what to do...I guess hope the Steelers win. Had I picked the Steelers and they made it, then having a Super Bowl party would be fun...Colts, not so much. I may call them and tell them to put the Colts back in the pool...I'm not interested. Not sure yet...

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