Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

I encourage everyone to get out there and vote on Election Day and try to make your voices heard. I'll be interested to see the results. I am not expecting the Democrat sweep that so many are...it will be much closer than some people would like to see. Always fun though...

Oh, and the Raiders are really bad...really, really bad. I can't believe the Steelers LOST to the Raiders.

That's all for today...seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Swisher, I have been reading all of the live blogs on the Internets this evening but I don't see one on Open Mike. This is totally unacceptable. Did the phrase "Majority Speaker Pelosi" send you running and screaming?

It does seem that the Republicans will narrowly hold on to the Senate at this point. I suggest a Keith Olbermann v. Brit Hume Celebrity Deathmatch to settle the deadlock.