Sunday, July 15, 2007

Waterpark Update

First of all, let me say that I attended a wedding last night and it was just terrific. I was able to catch up with a lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time and that was pretty nice. And I got to see two of my friends wed and that was very special. I must admit that I felt a little ashamed when I saw some of the people at the wedding because I haven't seen or talked to them in such a long time. I am very bad at staying in touch with people and that's really sad. Some people say that you can see people that you haven't seen in years and it's like time hasn't passed. I don't think that's true at all. You can't make up for the all the missed events in people's lives and that's just reality.

I can say that I would try to do better and stay in touch with all those people but I know that it just won't happen. I can try but, truth be known, I hate the telephone and I'm not a person who tries to contact people without a purchase. I am better speaking in front of a group of strangers than small talk with people I know. That's weird but that's the least when I'm speaking before a group, I'm adequately prepared.

Anyway, just had to put that out there for whatever felt necessary. Hopefully it's the first step to being a better friend to all those who I've lost track of.

So, without further adieu, my Fairmont Waterpark update:

That is all.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Hey Mike... just dropping in to say hi. Since you said about staying in touch and being bad, I am too so I thought I would say hi :)

Someone from HS get married?

Enjoying your blog, hope you are well.
