Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Real Victim

Obviously there are reports that Coach Beilein is leaving. Of course, there were "reports" that Rodriguez was leaving too and you know how that worked out. But if Beilein does leave, we can all agree that it impacts the Mountaineer players, coaches and fans. But there is a victim that many people might not be thinking about today...and that is: Pat Beilein.

Pat's acting career was just getting started in West Virginia and now his dad might jump ship. It's obvious that both he and Mike Gansey have talent in making WV Lottery commercials, and I was hoping for a series. But with John leaving, how will West Virginians react to seeing Pat trying to sell West Virginia Lottery tickets? My guess is negatively. So, I'm guessing the WV Lottery will drop him as a spokesman for their product. And, since Pat has no connection with Michigan, there's no way he gets an endorsement deal there.

So, Pat Beilein is the real victim if John leaves. I hope Coach Beilein will be able to live with himself after ruining his son's only chance to become a big star. Thanks a lot, Coach.


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