Monday, April 02, 2007

Potholes Are Eating My Car

I'm not sure what the deal is but the potholes right now in Fairmont are worse than I ever remember them being. I can't find a good road to drive on at the moment. It's like the City of Fairmont, or the State of West Virginia, buried landmines throughout all the roads in West Virginia and they have all gone off.

You would think I-79 would at least be maintained but I know that I have to avoid a crater on the northbound entrance ramp at downtown that would eat your average-sized F150. Trying to navigate around it, I have to prematurely enter the interstate area below the average speed. I am surprised I haven't been run over yet...multiple times. I'm tired of pulling my car out of giant holes in the middle of the road. It's very bad.

I'm not sure what the deal is. The State is happily wasting millions of dollars building a four-lane to Yann's Hotdogs but they won't patch the roads the citizens use every single day. Seems that priorities are out of order here. I shouldn't have to worry about busting a tire every time I try to drive somewhere. No one should. Let's fix the roads...please.


Rebecca said...

That's hilarious! I also hate that on ramp's a killer!

I've though about driving on the wrong side of the road when no one is around just so I can hit all the potholes with the other side of my car....maybe that would fix the alignment.

Anonymous said...

The worse part about it is that the machinery used to build the highway to Yan Dogs is the main cause of all of the potholes. Obvious examples include I-79 and Pleasant Valley Road.