Friday, April 13, 2007

Nightmare is Over

Our long national nightmare has finally come to a close. Don Imus has been fired from CBS Radio ending one of the darkest days in our nation's history. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have stood their ground against all odds to take down the media giant for his insensitive and hate-filled remarks. One of the finest hours for the civil rights movement.

Sharpton says "It is our feeling that this is only the beginning. We must have a broad discussion on what is permitted and not permitted in terms of the airwaves." Preach it, brother. Let's see...who should Sharpton take down next? Bill O'Reilly? Glenn Beck? Robert D. Raiford? His speeches are hate-filled and offensive to me. How about Al Franken? Oh, he's already off the air. But he said some things that I found offensive.

Rush Limbaugh? Of course. How about Sean Hanity? No brainer. But, you want to know who I find offensive on the radio? Al Sharpton. I'm offended by his program and I am now calling on Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to stand up for my rights not to have to listen to his garbage. It's my right as an American to ask that he be removed from the airwaves.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have now become to the voice of what is allowed to be said on the air. Hallelujah! What a glorious day for free speech and open debate in our country. Thanks Jesse and have ended this nightmare.

On second thought, maybe the nightmare has just begun...

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