Thursday, April 12, 2007

Duke Lacrosse

It is amazing to me that Don Imus' derogatory comments about the Rutgers' basketball team is still the main media story considering what just went down in Raleigh, North Carolina. Charges were finally dropped against three Duke lacrosse players who were accused of sexually assaulting a black stripper. Not only were they proclaimed not guilty, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper said that his own investigation "led us to the conclusion that no attack occurred."

And let me tell you this...what happened to these Duke lacrosse players far exceeds the damage done to the Rutgers' basketball team. The Duke lacrosse team was forced to cancel an entire season. These accused players were harrassed and shamed for life because of these false charges. These players are real victims that have suffered. Not just from a few short words but from real actions that threatened their livelihoods.

This story is of far greater importance than a few comments from Don Imus. The Imus story is a manufacturered story where media wants to cover media. Imus is a big story for MSNBC because people are actually care about what the low-rated network is doing. Imus is a big story because it gives the like of Al Sharpton to shoot off his hate-filled mouth.

So, the Rutgers players got called a name...and the Duke players had false rape charges brought against them. Which is worse? Where's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson at now? Oh, that's right...the Duke lacrosse players are white. Rutgers' basketball team was predominately black...and Imus' comments were "racist." Yeah, I guess the Rutgers thing is far worse...

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