Monday, April 02, 2007

Deja Vu

Michigan is meeting with three head coaching candidates this week, including WVU's John Beilein. Whether true or not, the West Virginia radio stations are blowing up that Beilein is the first choice and that Michigan is going to make a big run at him. Beilein, as always, is silent on the topic.

It will be interesting to see if West Virginia comes up with a package again to keep Beilein around. I think it is essential if WVU wants to stay on a national level in basketball that they keep John here because he saved WVU basketball from becoming a complete non-factor. However, much like with Rodriguez, West Virginia has been reluctant to restructure contracts every year.

Personally, I think West Virginia can keep Beilein if they commit to some facilities changes. The Coliseum is a great place for basketball, so I'm not suggesting doing much with it. But some programs need another place to practice and/or perform. In addition to the men’s basketball team, the Coliseum floor is the practice area for women’s basketball and volleyball. And although wrestling and gymnastics each have their own practice facilities, they still hold their competitive meets at the Coliseum. Throw in the fact that a handful of physical education classes are taught on the Coliseum floor, and you have no less than six different groups using the space.

Wrestling and gymanastics just received brand new practice facilities and men's and women's soccer just received a new stadium. Football has received considerable increases in funding over the past few years to make it a national powerhouse. But, while these programs receive funding and achieve success, the basketball program has achieved great success without much additional support.

If WVU wants to stay on the national scene in basketball, they need to find a way to show some support to the program. I think that is what will keep John Beilein at West Virginia. Otherwise, it will be Hail, Hail to Michigan...the Champions of the West.


Anonymous said...

Wait, is this about the scoreboard? It's about the scoreboard, isn't it?

I know your type.. sauntering around the Coliseum with wild ideas like, "Let's put up a video board that doesn't require 40-watt christmas bulbs to operate," and "Maybe we shouldn't play Cotton-eyed Joe 47 times a game."

Well you can forget your pipe dreams right here, right now, Mr. Swisher. Ain't gonna happen, not on Eddie Pastilong's watch.

Mike said...

Well, it's partly about the scoreboard. But, as far as Cotton-eyed Joe, I think that is one of Beilein's favorites and he has been lobbying to get it played at least 52 times a game.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the scoreboard IS to be replaced next year - along with the lighting. All new.

However, John's big issue is with travel. The men's team flies commercial way too much. But the University doesn't want to pay to charter them - thanks to Title 9 - every charter for the men's team means a charter for the women's team.

Anonymous said...

lets just cut the womens program then........right?