Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Upgrade Update

Well, for those who are curious, the upgrade at work is progressing on-schedule. We currently have domain controllers distributed to the 6 AD is available for us to work on. We have located the drivers for all devices for our 8 models of PCs and laptops that are currently out and all our Vista compatible. Unless a major hiccup occurs within the next week or so, we will be rolling out Vista to all user beginning in November.

The integrators are currently working on a Desktop Deployment strategy and packaging our "Core Applications" for distribution. The Document Management System guru is making progress although we are having a difficult time securing a final release date for a beta we are currently running with Office 2007. But, things are moving along in a positive direction. Our biggest DMS issue is whether to consolidate into a single library or continue a distributed approach. It appears a single library will win.

We are increasing bandwidth dramatically to keep up with the new burdens. It appears that is on-schedule and should resolve any issues we are running into with a centralized approach to a majority of our applications.

If I could get out of meetings and conference calls, I think we would be moving along a little better. I have spent two days in "training" on a product that I really don't care about at all. The hardware side is the only thing I needed to know about but had to sit through two days of instruction on it because that's how it was organized. Horrific. Same thing happened last week. I have vendors calling round the clock and they're driving me crazy. Ummm...and the 3 weekly status meetings are beginning to get old.

This is definitely a new experience to have all these schedules and deadlines. Usually we run everything on a small scale...try it out and push it out. Make it out the bugs with users. Now we have test environments and project managers, etc. It's pretty crazy really...I feel like I sepnd as much time explaining my work as I do working. And it's not necessarily a good thing. But that's how it is and I'll continue doing whatever is required to get this thing done. The sooner the better...

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