Thursday, February 02, 2006

Things I Want To Do...

Well, before that, how about those Mountaineers? Man, can they make it any more difficult on their fans? When Herber missed the layup, I was sure that Notre Dame was going to come down and score...but, well, they held on and that's all that matters. Beilein said at the beginning of the year that all the games were going to be close...well, he was right. But, these close games are definitely building character for this team and I'm excited for the post-season.

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning which means 6 more weeks of winter. Of course, this winter has been so mild that I'm not sure it matters. I'm thinking we're due for an artic blast in March...and, well, that isn't a good thing. But Puxsutawney Phil reminded me of some things I would like to do...

  1. Go to Punxsutawney, Pa. to see Phil be pulled from his hole. I know it's a pretty stupid thing but I would really like to go see it...I mean, why not?
  2. Attend a UNC/Duke matchup at the Dean Dome. I love UNC basketball and have been to the Dean Center once but not for a game. I figure if I'm going to a game there, why not the biggest rivalry in college basketball?
  3. Attend a Super Bowl...preferably with the Steelers. Someone offered me a ticket to Super Bowl XL. For the low, low price of $3000.00. For 1 ticket. Hmmm...maybe attending a Super Bowl isn't a real high priority.
  4. Actually organize the server room here at work. I mean, did you see that thing?
  5. See the Mountaineers win a national championship in football and/or men's basketball. Who knows...maybe this year? For both?
  6. Cross-country trip maybe...Montana, Dakotas, Oregon...swing down through the mid-west. Maybe a 3-month tour...a 3-month tour.

I'm sure there's a bunch of other stuff but that's what I have at the moment.

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