Sunday, August 21, 2005

When Eric Eats a Banana... amazing transformation occurs. Eric is Banana Man!

In case you didn't know, Banana Man is a British cartoon from a comic strip. For some reason we ran into it at work about a year ago and I haven't been able to forget the theme. I man, seriously, Banana Man? It's about a boy named Eric Wimp (name later changed), referred to as "Little Eric" who gains superpowers from eating a banana. His powers include the ability to fly, superhuman strength (often quoted as "twenty men... twenty big men" but occasionally limitless), and seeming invulnerability.

I mean, they must have been running out of ideas when this one seemed like a good one. Eric was rocketed to Earth from the Moon as a baby, and gained his powers because the crescent moon resembles a banana. He has a kryptonite-style weakness to mouldy bananas, and at one point even a Fortress of Solitude-style building at the North Pole, made out of a giant banana. So, obviously, this is a Superman knockoff. But still, Banana Man?

It cracks me up really. His enemies include Dr. Gloom, Appleman, Weatherman, Clay Man and Skunk Woman. Sounds really scary to me.

I'm going to eventually track down the video/DVDs for the entire 3 seasons of Banana Man. Can you believe a show like Banana Man lasted three years? Just leave it to those wacky British...

Theme is here...go to Banana Man. 80's Cartoons

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