Friday, August 19, 2005

Return from Band Camp

Made it back alive from beautiful Camp Caesar yesterday. Arrived home around 4:00, unpacked, ate, slept from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. And, really, I could have probably used a little more. I got approximately 18 hours of sleep over a 5-night span...that's typically not what you're supposed to get. But I had to return to my much as I really didn't want to.

So, how did camp go? Very well, thank you. Had a great time...laughed through most of it. The parents are always terrific and the staff we have is always entertaining. The show should is really, really good and should blow people away...I'm hoping anyway.

So, why do I go back every year you're wondering? Oh, you're not wondering. Well, I'm telling anyway. I enjoy it and have a good time. That's the short answer. You want a longer answer? Sure...I'll even start a new paragraph for it.

The chaperones are terrific. Great parents who I genuinely enjoy being around. They work hard while they're there but maintain, for the most part, a good sense of humor. Of course, the director is a great friend and we have a terrific relationship. The rest of the staff is always great and we just have a blast.

And the students themselves are just unbelievable. I've spent the summer of the past 14 years of my life watching this band put together a show and it's alway amazing to watch the students get it done. I've developed really good friends out of this program and enjoy watching them grow up from lowly freshman to mature senior. It's a great transformation. And, when you're around these guys like this, you develop a bond with them.

And, that's the reason I help out with the band. It's just a great experience...and, until you've come back and done it, you just couldn't possibly understand. So, that's why I go to Band Camp and help out with the band like I do. I enjoy it...end of discussion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mikey ...

This is Eric Allen .. lol ya know the jr trumpet... ya im sure u knwo.. lol

Well when i first came to ur site i was like... Ok .. Did i even eat a banana at camp lol.. but come to find out that was way off subject lol... But ight i g2g but i do also hope the show blows people away.. =) ight later