Monday, August 22, 2005

It's That Time Again...

Time for all good students to head back to classes. Yes, it's the time of the year when all young people's attention moves from having a good summer to hitting the books and furthering their education. Ah, what a horrible time of the year...of course, it could be could have to work all year long. Summer,'s no different for me. Oh, but for you students, this is the end of life as you know it. School begins!

So, I wish you all the best of luck with classes this coming year. I need you all the graduate from you respective colleges and high schools and get real jobs so you can start paying taxes and Social Security so I can retire and collect it. I'm not joking people...get a job!

Best of luck to my friends at West Virginia U. and Fairmont State U. Be sure to keep in touch. Good luck to those heading back to H.S. at East Fairmont. I know I'll be seeing most of you soon. Best wishes to my buds down at WV they need the support. Keep working down in're gonna blow 'em all away. Take care my bro who just went to D.C., one of the intelligent few. And, to all that I luck this upcoming year whether you're heading to school or joining the work force...or just bumming around. Give it your best and I'm sure you'll do great.

And, seriously, get a job ya bums!

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