Thursday, August 04, 2005

Lack of Excitement

I wish I could write today about the gang fight I got into last week or my cross country trip to Los Angeles for a week...but, alas, nothing of the sort. No trips, no rampages, no blowouts or shindigs of any kind. I can't talk about the huge winnings I had in Vegas a couple weeks ago...I would like to, I just can't. Ya know why? Because all work and no play makes Mike a dull boy.

Yes folks, it has been one boring summer day after another here. Not boring as in I'm bored...I've got nothing to do. Boring as in I'm so busy I can't do anything fun. It's a shame really...not supposed to be that way but it is. Not to say I haven't had any fun...just not the type of exciting fun you spend time writing about.

But, with that said, here's a forecast of what's going on: Sunday, I'm going white water rafting for the first time in my life. Something I've always wanted to do. I'm hoping it will be fun but the prospect of spending a whole Sunday on the river doesn't appeal to me. Maybe if it lasted an hour instead of six I would be more excited.

Of course there's always band camp...I will write an article about band camp and why I come back either tomorrow or next week.

I found out today that my work is going to send me to Florida for another conference thing. This will make the third this year...trips to Minneapolis and Phoenix proceeded. So, trips for me for work this year alone, three. Combined trips for my other co-workers in my department for the past four years, one. Hmmm....there's going to be some unhappy folks here when they find out.

That's about it for this morning...I need to do some actual labor. Other than going rafting on Sunday, I don't plan on doing any work this weekend...meaning, I'm not coming into the office and I'm not worrying about the office. It's Thursday...but I'm declaring it "The Weekend of Mike" and it will probably be about as successful as "The Summer of George".

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