Thursday, February 12, 2009

State of the State

I give Joe Manchin a pretty bad time usually. Most of the time it's because he seemingly cares a little too much about Mountaineer athletics and seems to be putting his nose where it truly doesn't belong. Perhaps that's simply a bad observation...but's it's probably accurate. But I must admit I was impressed by this State of the State address last night. At least what I saw of it before the electric went out.

When the federal government is trying to steal taxpayer money to expand the bureaucracy, it's nice to hear the governor speak of fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets. His promise not to increase entitlement programs was probably disappointing for the folks who believe government is the only solution to our problems. His promise not to raise taxes in the near term was much welcome. His pledge to stand against the teachers and not promise raises the state can't afford was brave and I'm sure it irked many. But at least the man was strong enough to make a stand.

West Virginia won't be immune to the financial downturn. But as long as Manchin maintains his promise to fiscal responsibility, West Virginia will move through the storm much better than many of these other states. Of course that might not be saying much...

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